The life and times of juniper lee ophelia
The life and times of juniper lee ophelia

the life and times of juniper lee ophelia

The Chosen One: She's the current Te Xuan Ze.Chest Insignia: Sort of the dragonfly-esque symbol on her shirt and various clothing and armor doubles as this.Blessed with Suck: She gets empowered by magical forces to help combat supernatural threats-but has to remain in Orchid Bay until a successor takes her place.Big Sister Instinct: Towards Ray Ray and even her older brother Dennis.Especially in the finale, where she has to recite an oath to restore the magical Veil. Barrier Maiden: Implied though never outright stated.Bad Liar: For example: when her de-aged grandmother had to "go to the bathroom," (read: go after the monster that de-aged her in the first place) she hastily told her teacher that her "cousin" needed help because the toilets in China are on the ceiling.Badass Bookworm: An honor student and no slouch in street smarts, either.Badass Adorable: Those cute little fists can punch through two-hundred feet of concrete.Animal Motifs: Juniper is often associated with dragonflies.She's not perfect, of course, but she's got a lot going for her. The Ace: Besides being the Te Xuan Ze June plays guitar in her brother's rock band, is an honor student and part of several clubs at school and seems fairly popular.10-Minute Retirement: Gives up her job to Ashley in "Take My Life Please" but quickly returns when Ashley proves inadequate.(Also made both Ripp and Ophelia bi to fit my headcanons.The heroine of the story and the current Te Xuan Ze.

the life and times of juniper lee ophelia the life and times of juniper lee ophelia the life and times of juniper lee ophelia

Fun fact! As soon as I made Johnny bi using ACR, I noticed that he had one bolt with Ripp and that’s just hilarious to me. The happiest face I’ve ever since on Olive Specter in a non-creepy setting, which somehow makes it creepier.Ī screenshot I tried to angle to be TS2 Family Album-esque, ft. Jenny going out on an outing with Chloe, only to run into Lola there. (Which is fine and completely planned, since I wanted to see if the party would go well if I let Tank hang around, and to my expectations it did not.) Shortly after, Johnny’s aspiration tanking because the party did not go well. Johnny throwing a party for himself despite not aging up yet (he’s still got a few days thanks to meetme’s clean templates).Īn (almost perfectly) synchronized smustle! Some Strangetown Highlights! Smith Edition.įeaturing all ten of my screenshots for the round! Includes, but is not limited to: NOTa: no es una crítica a la teleton, sino tomando su significado que es, en jerga televisiva: Programa Especial o Tele Maratón de duración extraordinaria para una cobertura de un suceso, emisión de un ciclo completo de un programa normal o para recaudar fondos ante alguna causa, sea social, benefica y política. Narciso Ibáñez Serrador del CPdRCATV de Prado Del Rey. Grabado "A Todo Color, HD, FullHD, UHDTV, 4k, 8k y +K" desde el mítico y famoso Estudio 1 Dir. Para Don Che, se emociona con la donación del Sindicato De Árbitros Corruptos, compuesto por casero, Ramirez y Sloth. El teleton de Ed y de Johnny bravo, la meta de la campaña solidaria es para salvar de la quiebra financiera del mayor distribuidor de licores, alcoholes y cervezas El Cielo, cuya meta es recaudar USD $66.666.666,66. Patsy y Lazlo traen a Hurtchison en caso de emergencia, Chaparrón le pregunta a Lucas y Ren aconseja a Mérida a que ellos (Porcel, Olmedo, Valdéz, Copete y Hill), hagan un gol.īender fuma, Jenna lleva las bebidas isotónicas y el Mr. Los Asistentes Ophelia y Varian molestos, además de los asistentes. Inspirado en un chiste muy glosero y ordinario, lo cambié para blanco con la final del campeonato, donde 2 equipos, se enfrentan para ser el campeón, justo en el momento final, el Árbitro Sid dice un disparate, dejando a todos atónitos, y la hinchada molesta. Nico: Is Anyone Have An Apollo Kid, Gwen Needs Yelling At Gwen: Well Shit I'll Pack Snacks And A Gun!Īnnabeth: So This Battle Strategy Will Get Us All Killed But Itll Workīellatrix (Athena Kid): Basic Battle Strategy Is Not Stabbing Someone With A Gun Random Things Overheard At Camp Halfblood

The life and times of juniper lee ophelia